Friday, March 23, 2007


Sonnet 2:
Alas, thou crass insatiable woman!
O, know thee not the love that hast ensued
Of sorrowful delight? Thou wrong’st this man—
Imbuing his heart with passion a-new.

This gamboling stag of a spirit stands
On the threshold of thine heart’s glowing hearth,
Feeding the flame with lyrical laudation strands—
A flower chain composed of words and mirth.

Wherefore love? And from whence thy nectar sweet?
That leaves thy name alive in mine own heart,
And to my tongue still bares solemn repeat
Joy—but nay, thou leave-est my heart a-thwart

But when the light from thine eyes falls on me
My heart is met with hope and revelry.

(My second attempt at a sonnet. Sadly, "Feeding the flame with lyrical laudation strands" is 12 syllables. I also need help with my feet(stressed and unstressed syllables) )