Monday, February 05, 2007

More Phrases...

God be praised for His prayerful people,
For bent and bending hearts of stone,
For those who gather beneath His steeple--
May their hearts be not skewed and strown.
Though their souls be weak and feeble
And the shadow of a darker evil
Casts itself across their home,
God hold their hands and make them fearless,
Grant them ears that they hear this:

They shall rest before Thy throne.

Hark! Screams the raging blunder
Rolling in on rattling thunder
No homage nor woos can appease or calm her
There is in you pride to sunder
Marked in your raging blunder.

O, I know Beauty, I’ve seen her oft
Standing upon her pedestal aloft
Singing on her blissful chorus,
That the world may echo back
And our hearts too sing from us.

(More premature thoughts that stand alone, but ought they? The Lord is merciful, that I have hit such a creative slump, in which I am faced with my own ends. I am poor in my words. Lord be praised, for I see my ends.)

Cure the Mind and Tongue:

Devil be off my tongue
Or I shall cut it out,
For I would rather bleed a mute,
Than allow falsehood to spout!

I’ll banish you to the silent grave,
And in my mind to silence you,
I will pull the trigger and be brave.
Muffled beneath confining sod
There you shall be forgot.

(It existed as an idea so I wrote it. It was then manifest in the form of a file, so I posted it. It is rather base and premature, but is it worth pursuit?)